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Humility, the Path to Peace

11th  July 2022

This time spent contemplating Humility has been beyond profound. 

Maybe for the first time ever I am seeing and experiencing the effects 

of living the spiritual path in remembering my function here as 

often as I am conscious.

Many insights have emerged in this time all revealing a deeper take on behaviour and the meaning behind. 

A powerful insight is that

"Self sabotage only occurs when I exceed my self worth"

All because self worth comes from our beliefs and if that belief

 is tied to the external world, ie: ego , then we are never

 enough and as such, limited. 

Herein lies a deep truth behind many `failures` and  why diets don't work. We lose weight,  maybe get a little fitter, feel better about ourselves 

then, at some  point something  will happen to highlight this

 change with the result that we, often subconsciously, 

 sabotage ourselves  and the weight creeps back on... 

Or it might be in relationships when we feel  we are `punching above our weight`, "they could do so much better than us.... etc"  

then we push and push till the relationship ends.

It could be through money, we obtain, acquire, earn or win extra money and we can watch how it is spent, or used to pay unexpected bills etc.

 until  the `safe` sum is left in the account. 

All these examples and many more are all ego-based definitions of our 

self worth - here the ego is triumphant as it has you hostage

 in its chains of limitations.

Once we commence the spiritual journey and realise that surrender to the Divine of our awareness has a knock on effect of us then defining
 ourselves in relation to this definition rather than the ego' . Then
and only then, can change occur and remain as transformation. 

While we define ourselves, ego is in charge.

When we allow God to define us, transformation is the only path.

" Beloved, please help me to let go my limiting thinking 

and open to your loving Knowing of who I am.

Thank you


Humility, the Path to Peace

5th  July 2022

The Humility Group have met again, 

boy is it bringing much up for people!

I had a powerful realisation this week. I began to re read a book I had first read in 1999 - yes, last century! I knew I had enjoyed the book and the general overview of it, but on commencing to re read realised that 

not only is it a treasure and I shall now get even more out of it, but also 

 how much had percolated within me since the initial reading.

I was then struck by how much I have absorbed from all the teachers in my life. 

Not just the pretentiousness of acknowledging the Mystics and the 

Desert Fathers and Mothers, but also the modern day writers like Marianne Williamson whose writing on the Course in Miracles have 

deepened over the years and  been transformative

There is also Deepak Chopra and Caroline Myss  who both began writing on alternative health then to wholistic health before moving onto to 

writing about the spiritual world and journey.  

Powerful teachers in print opening doors and offering expansive world views to be considered. 

There are also the people in life who offer great gifts of learning in the form of wisdom or in reflecting back to me that which I dislike, denied and resisted about my self. 

This mode of learning can be painful, especially when resisted... but once I began to understand that condemnation and judgment is merely me projecting my denied and disliked `places` onto the other, 

change was possible

 At the time this was painful,  yet the long term gift of expanded self-awareness, acceptance leads to a liberation of self.

From external validation to internal God- led validation.

So my greatest teachers have been my parents, Mum, Dad, thank you for creating the setting needed for most growth.

For my partners, what grace, patience and kindness you gave so freely

You have my whole hearted gratitude for your willingness to give.

My children Alasdair, Kirsty, Sam and Chaz, 

thank you all so much for all your reflections. 

I love you all so much and am in frequent awe at whom you have become

And, of course,  my long term friends who have been through life with me -the honesty we have, the growth we honour, the journey we share, 

thank you for still being my friend when you had the freedom to walk away!

I honour and thank all with whom I have worked in whatever role.

I am sorry I took so long to `get it` and thank you all for your patience.

God sent me the best of people.

Without Your gifts I would not be who and where I am now,

Truly a work in progress. 

Thank you

Humility, the Path to Peace

30th  June 2022

The Humility Group have met again since last I wrote, there is so much richness that is being shared, too much for me to remember but this quote struck me.

" Take me from me and take me to You

that makes me, me". 

Meister Eckhart

To release the egoic belief in what I can do, or should that be to release the limitations of what  I can do...

When I surrender the need to know, be right, in control etc I allow the Divine flow to pulse through me taking me deeper into humility and the liberation that comes with surrendering the need to know, be right or in control.

Oh the unification of heart, mind, body and soul when ego is 

surrendered to the Divine.

Oh the peace that soothes the fragmented parts as they realign. 

Feeling the energy return is palpable, a visceral sense of
 being as One in myself.

Only when in alignment is there space to receive the inflow

 of love that surrounds us.

 Where do each of us block that perpetual flow of love?

 Where does lack of self worth limit receptivity?

I leave you with these questions to ponder upon and, perhaps, choose to open to  dissolving limits allowing more love enriching your life.


Glow with love


Humility, the Path to Peace

20th  June 2022

I sat on my deck this morning admiring the flower pots that a friend had gifted me. It struck me that not only are the flowers, all flowers, perfect exactly as they are but also how humble their make up is. 

They grow from seed and each cell in that seed knows what to grow into 

to make itself the perfect version of that species. 

We never come across a daffodil dying its petal red and sticking thorns onto its stem to become a weird would that be and look....

Humility is to be truly who you are with no comparisons to  anyone else...

What relief, to let go of trying to be / act / look / do / etc like someone else...

Einstein said 

"Find your passion make it your profession 

and you will never work again"

Not only should this be the motto for every High School but it is also humility. To recognise the gifts you were born with, to discern the inner calling not only allows you to be fully you, but also gives meaning 

to and an exciting reason for education. 

Just imagine if all children were helped to find their passion ...

they would be excited to go to school and  learning what they 

wanted and needed to learn, would be welcomed.

Not only would the atmosphere in schools change, more would be learned...

young people would be happier as their purpose for life and living became manifest.

Humility and expressing ones passion does not mean we lose our identity, 

au contraire, in living truly who we are, expressing our passion 

we grow into the perfect `rose` of ourselves. 

We smell fragrant, we glow with passion, 

we are strong with healthy immune systems...

What could be more of a blessing?

May your glow light up your life today


Humility, the Path to Peace

17th  June 2022

Last week in the Humility group we explored some of the paired words

 and refined the words used to pair. 

Vulnerability is now paired with victim...obviously really. 

They can be perceived in very similar ways yet are almost opposites.

Vulnerable is open, honest, self responsible whereas victim blames, wants from another be it even just sympathy, victim is the ultimate manipulator, the modern term for which I have been told, is gaslighting..

Nope, nothing to do with lighting the street lamps in olde London towne of a hundred plus years ago.

An image of vulnerability is the picture of the Queen at her husbands funeral, alone, in grief, her sorrow visible yet dignified , poised and wanting nothing for anyone.

Images for victim are found on every media platform and often include crying, blaming and creating a drama.

With my attention on victim and vulnerability I found myself in a situation where I began in vulnerability - `my concerns over how this would affect the group` then i slithered into victim and `how I would lose out`.

Luckily, because it is so uppermost in my mind my inner witness sotted it almost as I was saying it so I was able to smile at my ego and `choose` to revert to vulnerability.

It struck me how vulnerability just `is` and how victim is 

all about me and finding ways to get what I want...all pure ego.

The inner witness is for a wee lie down

Humility, the Path to Peace

16th June 2022

I love how the rainbow seems to curl round the tree...

 the tree that grows in keeping with the prevailing wind - 

of which we have a lot!

The tree is humble to the wind and blessed by the arc of the rainbow.

In the conversations on humility we are working through the pairs of words and changing the words as discussion expands understanding of them. 

As such vulnerability is now paired with victim.

Ah yes, makes so much more sense to pair these two words. 

Vulnerability is of humility: it has nothing to hide, is open to being seen exactly as is. To be vulnerable is to allow people in, to trust in the God of your awareness and to follow that guidance.

Victim, which can often appear as vulnerable, comes from the ego and is, as Thomas Merton phrased it, `false innocence`. Some one or an external force `dun me rong`!   It is more a `poor me `stance. 

The ego passing the blame elsewhere. 

Vulnerability is quiet, honest and self responsible, an image of which is how the Queen behaved at the funeral of her husband last year.

She sat alone, her grief and pain obvious to all yet she remained poised 

and dignified. Genuine in her vulnerability with no where to hide.

Victim cries, blames others and believes the drama. Images of which are freely available on all media platforms. Victims soak up the sympathy

 of others and revel in the attention they receive

In Britain we often support the underdog yet without a clear distinction between the two it might be easy to end up supporting the victim...

Where in our own lives have we been vulnerable ?

 Where have we slithered into victim and why?

What was the pay off?

Three rather deep and uncomfortable questions to ask oneself....

 but essential on the journey to knowing oneself more deeply and the path of humility.

Good luck 

- I am off to buy shares in Kleenex...( other tissues are available) 

self honesty can be painful!

Humility, the Path to Peace

2nd June 2022

The beauty of a cobweb, woven whilst we sleep 

yet in the morning sun it glistens and sparkles like diamonds. 

Nature has the power to humble us; to observe the natural unfolding of life in nature, to witness the complete surrender to being fully whatever it is. 

The wee acorn grows to be the mighty oak, yet does it weep and wail as it really wants to be a willow? 
The ova and the sperm collide and the blueprint is laid down for a unique being to be born. Each cell growing according to plan, the birth occurs and innocence is made manifest growing in its own magnificence. 

It is only in humans that this  Divine  trajectory is distorted as we over ride our innate magnificence in trying to be what or who we think

 we are supposed to be. 

Left to God we are perfect and live joyfully in peace; 

understood by the ego we are not perfect and need to alter this, nip and tuck that,  get more money / clothes / power  status / friends / fame . 

With all this pressure comes anxiety, fear of loss/ failure/ 

and a fear of being found out which, in turn, leads to a secrets, hiding aspects of ourselves and the additional stress this brings with it.

Humility is hard, because it is the opposite of society`s mores and, just maybe, asks more of us that we can handle. 
The ego has us believe we are not worthy of joy and peace

hence its sabotage - 

Recently I had a conference video call with some people I know to discuss Humility, one friend said she wouldn`t join the call as she `might find something out that she would then have to act on 

and she wasn`t ready for that at the moment.`

Such humility, to know oneself that well and honour it.

Baby steps....

Maybe today we can find one worry and, taking a deep breath, hand it over to the God of our awareness and release, 

May you be blessed today


Humility, the Path to Peace

25th May 2022

Humility, whose bright idea was it to explore this...?

Now I have begun to explore humility my inner witness is exhausted, 

all it sees now is where I slither off piste into `know-all` and, 

as we all know, `no-one likes a smartie`.

Sometimes it might be a genuine desire to be helpful, other times it might be a desire to show off.  The art is in discerning motivation.

Since realising the vastness of my ego and seeing how it plays out through arrogance it has been humiliating to  look back and see how much of a know - all I was and how much I resisted being taught. 

The lessons  ignored!!! 

If I am too busy being right or knowing it, then I am not open to learn, 

to receive, to grow......utter foolishness.

However, the past is exactly that so today can be different, but first, what was behind the egoic need to be right, to know?

Not sure yet  so will sit with it awhile...

Arrogance is paired with authenticity, so to find the way of humility is to surrender to my authentic self - to be as God created me. 

Gulp....that sounds too much....

Self sabotage kicks in when we exceed our self worth. My ego has set a `price` on me and dare I believe differently it will press 

the red button of self destruction. How far do you get with every diet?!

All of which really highlights how very difficult change is.

Our worth from God is priceless

Yet the world works on diametrically opposed principles, it takes wise parents to bring a child up to be as God intended and not grow to 

evaluate themselves through the mores of society.

I have meandered off theme here today so shall leave with one last priceless this picture is, not only in its beauty but the fact that all the work, time and effort put into it will be swept away when the tide comes in. It is humility in action, not needing ones art to be immortalised,

 but there for the gift of creating it and for the moment. 

Humility, the Path to Peace

21st May 2022

Here she is a couple of weeks later with one of her first smiles.

The innocence of the very young is magnetic to our soul.

A beautiful reminder of who we were until we forgot.

Opening to humility is like opening Pandora`s box. So much has emerged it is hard to know where to begin.

Humility comprises many qualities which, like The Tree of Life, come in pairs. The art might be in knowing myself and then writing prayers 

to `Antidote`: prayers for transformation.

I offer you the list I have comprised thus far, I am sure it will be added

to however this is a start....

Love                                        Ego

Humility …Humiliation






Gnosis of God………………………..……………………..Selfishness





I invite you to join me in working through these pairs.

e-mail me at 

and lets journey together...

Jude x

Humility, the Path to Peace

19th May 2022

I have been blessed and am now a Shennavaigh, my darling Ogha, pictured here,  reminds me of innocence, purity, wonder and awe. Born 8 weeks ago and is, to me, the embodiment of humility, completely dependant on her parents trusting them as humility is Trust in  God.

Already she teaches me ` to be as a child` is to enter heaven. 

The gift it is to be entrusted with a new soul, to introduce them to this world, to, by my very presence, show them how to be in the world is

 a blessing beyond price and calls me into account.
 Am I living as the role model I am  intended to be? Or have I slithered slightly ( or muchly) off piste and now, perhaps, my thoughts are not in alignment with my words and actions?

A call to renewal, 

Perhaps I am blessed by this opportunity to revisit the richness of relationships by the manifestation of her perfect innocence. 

She becomes the hub of the wheel offering us,  her family,  the chance to  reconnect with each other on the rim of the wheel through 

her innocence at the centre where we all were once.

How easily, through unconscious time, we float gently away from that place of unity and connection, from innocence to a more worldy way of being.

May she live by the poem of Dorothy Law Nolte 

 Children Learn What They Live


If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.

If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.

If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.

If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.

If children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy.

If children live with jealousy, they learn to feel envy.

If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.

If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.

If children live with tolerance, they learn patience.

If children live with praise, they learn appreciation.

If children live with acceptance, they learn to love.

If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.

If children live with recognition, they learn it is good to have a goal.

If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.

If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.

If children live with fairness, they learn justice.

If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect.

If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and in those about them.

If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live.

What guidance, what richness, what possibilities


Humility, the Path to Peace

12th May 2022

The retreat brought up a lot  which has kept on percolating revealing much in nuances and subtilty to explore further. 

In the last six weeks I have caught up with life and almost frightened myself with how easy it is to be sucked into the speed and distraction of

 `the world`. 

As you know I bang on about `ego` and the way it can lead me astray taking me to places my soul does not want to enter. 

The retreat offered the time to go deeper which has manifest, in the last few weeks, in much soul and ego searching behind my motives for all actions. 

It has offered me an insight into humility,  surrendering to my God, 

 and how it is truly the path to Oneness, to the God of my Awareness.

My journey inwards continues now in the company of my Spiritual Director, amazing woman, and  fellow travellers as we commit to exploring the facets that comprise Humility embracing each one.

This may well be the toughest thing to do, to willingly  enter where the ego plays  consciously choosing to release it.

This photo of St David from St David's Cathedral in Wales  inspires me, he, like St Francis, lived a life of simple humility treating the animals and nature with reverence and respect as well as people.


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